Welcome to Henry P. Clough Principal's Blog

I am so glad you decided to check out my Principal's Blog. I have had the privilege of working for the Mendon-Upton Regional School District for the past 16 years. I taught at Memorial School for 1 year and Clough School for 11 years, and spent four years as the Curriculum Director. My husband Brian and I live in Upton and have two girls, Erin and Meghan, who both went through the Mendon-Upton School District. I know firsthand what a strong district this is. I am excited to be the principal of Clough Elementary School.

I believe communication is vital. It is my goal to keep the lines of communication open with students, staff, parents, and the community. I will use this blog as a vehicle to keep everyone up to date on what’s going on at Henry P. Clough Elementary School.

I look forward to a productive year where we all work together to ensure our students receive the best education possible in a caring and safe environment.

Best Regards,
Janice Gallagher

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Marfan Awareness Month

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 February is Marfan Awareness Month.  As Marfan Syndrome is quite rare many people have not heard of this condition. Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the body’s connective tissue. It affects the heart and blood vessels, the bones and the eyes. Knowing the signs is the key to early and accurate diagnosis and life-saving treatment. 

Please take a moment to learn about Marfan Syndrome, find ways to help the cause and join us in celebrating the wonderful people in our lives affected by Marfan Syndrome.   We will be holding our next school wide fundraiser walk  for Marfan Syndrome this Friday, February 28.  Please join us in wearing red on Friday to show our support.  We are hoping children will bring in $1 donation (or more if they want) for this worthwhile cause. All donations will go directly to the Marfan Foundation on behalf of Clough school.

 Below are some great sights and videos to check out.